Compliance Endpoint Security K-12 Security & Analytics

BYOD in K-12 Education Comes With Challenges

February 01, 2016

It was estimated that 20% of K-12 classrooms would have integrated bring-you-own-device (BYOD) programs by the end of 2015, with the promise of being able to deliver on digital curriculum without the capital expense of 1:1 programs. Unfortunately, BYOD has come with more challenges to the K-12 classroom than anticipated.

While it may seem rational to take advantage of devices that students already own, whether at school, at home or both, K-12 BYOD programs have met many challenges:

In the National Education Technology Plan for 2016, the Department of Education cautions against BYOD programs for the above reasons, noting in particular the lack of appropriate safeguards in place on student-owned devices that can ensure student privacy and security. While many schools have found ways to reduce the risks of BYOD devices, there is no question that it is much more difficult to control security when the device is owned by the student.

While BYOD is obviously appealing, the main issues in management, equality of learning and security are driving many districts to reconsider and adopt a 1:1 program instead. With solutions such as Absolute DDS and persistence technology, you can have the confidence to enable to a digital learning environment while protecting students and securing technology. With the addition of our free Absolute Safe Schools program, you can help promote a safe school environment around device safety - including BYOD devices, if they remain a part of your strategy.

Compliance Endpoint Security K-12 Security & Analytics

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